Admission Policy
Admission Policy of Aesthetic & Acupuncture International Conference, referred to as “AAIC”
In registering for or accepting the offer of admittance to the Exhibition & Conference, delegates and visitors agree that they shall observe and comply with these rules and regulations and with the rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre.
All details required must be filled up completely. AAIC is open for trade visitors & professionals only. No admittance to anyone under the age of 18. All visitors must be suitably attired or in proper business attire. Those in shorts, sleeveless and slippers will not be allowed in the exhibition and conference center.
The Visitor & Delegate agrees that The Organiser shall not incur any liability to him or her for any products displayed or sold by any exhibitor / sponsor at the Exhibition & Conference. Each Visitor / Delegate agrees to indemnify and hold The Organiser harmless, on demand, against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, proceedings, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including legal fees) and charges of any kind howsoever incurred by or on behalf of or made against The Organiser arising out of any infringement or other claim relating to or arising out of the unauthorised taking of any Images by that Visitor / Delegate. Delegates & Visitors are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence on participating exhibitors / sponsors / companies in the Aesthetic & Acupuncture International Conference (AAIC) to ensure informed engagement and establish trust in their chosen collaborations.
The Organiser shall not be liable to any visitor & delegate for any loss of or damage to any of his or her property occurring (from whatever cause) in or about the Exhibition & Conference Centre nor for the death of or any injury sustained by any visitor whilst on or leaving the Exhibition & Conference Centre (other than for death or injury resulting from The Organiser negligence to the extent this cannot be excluded or restricted at law (and then only to such extent).
Visitors & Delegates shall not do, or permit anything to be done, which shall cause annoyance, damage, disturbance, nuisance, inconvenience or danger to any person or thing or which in the opinion of The Organiser does not conform to the general standards of the Exhibition and Conference or amounts to a breach of these rules and regulations or applicable laws and regulations generally applying.
Visitors & delegates should not bring any camera, video recorder or recording equipment of any kind to the Exhibition / Conference without the prior written consent of The Organisers. The Organiser reserves the right to search the belongings of any visitor & delegate at any time.
It is expressly prohibited for visitors & delegates to record images in any form (“Images”) while attending the Exhibition without the prior written consent of The Organiser. Such prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the taking of photographs, video recording of any type and drawing or sketching of Images. Visitors & delegates agree to surrender to The Organiser on demand any material in whatever media on which images may be recorded in violation of this rule, including but not limited to film, video tapes, sketchbooks, camera phones and digital storage devices.
The Organiser reserve the right to refuse admittance to any visitor & delegate or to require any visitor & delegate to leave if in their opinion his or her behaviour is in breach of these rules and regulations or of any rules and regulations of the Exhibition & Conference Centre, or contravenes applicable laws and regulations generally applying. The opinion of The Organiser is final in this regard.
Visitors & Delegates agree that the personal data provided during registration for the Exhibition & Conference will be included in The Organiser’s database and used by The Organiser or passed onto third parties for promotional purposes. Any requests for access to or correction of the data can be made to The Organiser.
For security purposes and in order to prevent and detect crime, visitors & delegates may be subject to a random search and CCTV camera recording in the Exhibition & Conference Centre.
conference plans

General attendee
Enjoy 2 days of inspiring talks, breakout sessions exploring challenging topics, great food.
Access to all talks
Plenty of time to connect with 400 other product people from around the world.

Conference +
Get everything a Conference pass offers & a chance to deep-dive with experts at a Workshops.
General networking
Plenty of time to connect with 400 other product people from around the world.

Everything from General Admission and you get full, exclusive access for a year.
Night afterparty
Plenty of time to connect with 400 other product people from around the world.